You are the knife i turn inside myself
“The easy possibility of writing letters–from a purely theoretical point of view–must have brought wrack and ruin to the souls of the world. Writing letters is actually an intercourse with ghosts and by no means just with the ghost of the adsressee but also with one’s own ghost, which secretly evolves inside the letter one is writing or even in a whole series of letters, where one letter corroborates another and can refer to it as withess. How did people ever get the idea they could communicate with one another by letter!”
letters from Ffranz Kafka to Milena Jesenská (Prague end of March, 1922)
Original letters (11.5х15 cm 1987-1988) paper, pen, postmarks, stamps, postcards, shelf, Plexiglas. Copies (21х27.5 cm) digital print, paper, empty postage envelopes (12.5×18 cm)