“The moments follow each other; nothing lends them the illusion of a content or the appearance of a meaning; they pass; their course is not ours; we contenplate that passage, prisoners of a stupid perception.”
Emil Cioran
Discarded list with the names of sexual partners, each and everyone left his trace. All of which draw a portrait of the complier. I on the other hand draw them. Every one is embodyed in the name he is remembered with and every portrait is a decompression of the trace of memory. The decompression in this case is synthetic act of extraction of the memory, lead by subjectivity, fantasy and obsession, without any claim of faithfulness to real life events. Memories deprived from meaning, opened for second read and ultimately oblivion.
85 – 10X15 cm, pencil, paper,PVC
1. Емо \ Emo 2. Надежда \ Nadejda (Hope) 3. Жорко \ Jorko 4. Марин \ Marin 5. ARMенеца \ ARMeneca (Armenian) 6. Студ град Светлина \ Stud grad Svetlina (Students town Light) 7. Кат Кат \ Kat Kat 8. Ив или Ст \ Iv ili St (Iv or St) 9. Стен \ Sten 10. Роко \ Roko 11. Троянеца \ Troyaneca (The Trojan) 12. GAS 13. Какаото \ Kakaoto (Cocoa) 14. Студен \ Studen (Cold) 15. Б. Денс \ B. Dens 16. Д. bs \ D. bs 17. Редута \ Reduta 18. Защо Не \ Zashto Ne (Why not) 19. Петан \ Petan 20. Черничкия \ Chernichkya (Blackey) 21. Гадния \ Gadniya (The Nasty) 22. Коня \ Konya (The Horce) 23. Кокони \ Kokoni 24. Стана \ Stana (It happened) 25. Mode 26. Бибо \ Bibo 27. Вири \ Viri 28. Чичо \ Chicho (Uncle) 29. Стюард \ Styuard (Steward) 30. В редута \ V Reduta (In Reduta) 31. Bird house 32. Малък \ Malak (Small) 33. Драма \ Drama 34. Любов \ Lyubov (Love) 35. Братлето \ Bratleto (The brother) 36. Петрола \ Petrola (Petrol) 37. Ян \ Yan 38. Любов 2 \ Lyubov 2 (Love 2) 39. Орландовци \ Orlandovci 40. Сашо \ Sasho 41. Враца \ Vraca 42. Иван \ Ivan 43. Без Ко \ Bez Ko 44. Мерцедес \ Mercedes 45. Цеко \ Ceko 46. Дими \ Dimi 47. ЕскоБар \ EscoBar 48. Дито \ Dito 49. Камкан \ Kamcan 50. Exit-грешка \ Exit-greshka (Exit-mistake) 51. и Малък \ i Malak (and Small) 52. Гнусния \ Gnusniya (The Foul one) 53. Танци \ Tancy (Dance) 54. Късна поляна \ Kasna Poliana (Late meadow) 55. Пак Редута \ Pak Reduta (Again Reduta) 56. Мине \ Mine 57. Влов \ Vlove (In love) 58. Лъвчо \ Lavcho (Little lion) 59. Ноцко \ Nocko 60. И дружба \ I drujba (and Drujba) 61. Мира \ Mira 62. Герой \ Geroy (Hero) 63. Вале \ Vale 64. Робче \ Robche (Little Slave) 65. Любов след обяд \ Lyubov sled obyad (Love in the afternoon) 66. 100 67. Другия \ Drugiya (the Other one) 68. Бо \ Bo 69. Садомазото \ Sadomazoto (The Sadomaso-chistic) 70. Крадливия \ Kradliviya (The Thief) 71. Mито \ Mito 72. 5.ко 73. Австралиеца \ Avstralieca (The Australian) 74. Вокал \ Vocal 75. М. Джиста \ M. Djista 76. РежиС \ RejiS 77. Ванчо \ Vancho 78. Сашко \ Sashko 79. Bree 80. B-знес \ B-sness 81. Роже \ Roje 82. Надежден \ Nadejden (Reliable) 83. Енко \ Enko 84. ПлаMen \ Plamen 85. Jбиз \ Jbiz